Sagittarius personality is loyal, sophisticated, independent, and kind, highly emotionally intelligent, which allows them to connect with the people around them.


One of the Sagittarius traits that causes them the most heartbreak is their tendency to think that their natural kindness is shared by others, which leads them to sometimes get taken advantage of. Their willingness to believe in everyone's essential goodness means they don't always have the ability to judge if someone means them harm.


Independence and the freedom to pursue what they want when they want, they are travelers, risk-takers, and have a great mind for business and sports! The most innovative people out there, not afraid to blaze their own trails.

Typical Sagittarius personality traits:


Sagittarius is the most brutally honest of the zodiac. They don’t care who doesn’t like it! They are extremely honest and that is why others are fond of this sign.


Sagittarius is wild, independent, fun, friendly and outgoing. They are considered as the wild children of the zodiac. One will always find them with a zest for life and a curiosity level that is wild.


Sagittarians are level headed, smart and intelligent. They are able to see the possibilities and take the risk. They think ten steps ahead of what everyone else is thinking and that’s why they are very difficult to fool.


Sagittarius cares for you deeply but doesn’t always know how to show it. You’ll have to read between the lines. Caring too much is the one thing a Sagittarius battles with all the time.


The last trait common to Sagittariuses is curiosity. People born under the Sagittarius zodiac sign tend to be full of questions. (Remember the kid who couldn't stop asking "why" in class?)


Sagittarius is a deep thinker. They will want to examine who the other person is and where they are going and can see the end with a clearness that others mostly lack.